Jamie Alvarez, Esq


Jamie Alvarez was born and raised in South Florida. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Miami and her Juris Doctorate from Shepard Broad College of Law at Nova Southeastern University.

Ms. Alvarez began her legal career by assisting hospitals and patients in obtaining fair compensation after being denied for invalid reasons. She then joined a family-owned general litigation firm in Plantation, Florida. Here, she obtained valuable experience and then established her own firm over time. Ms. Alvarez then transitioned her focus primarily to First Party Property, helping homeowners sue their insurance companies for inadequate payment of claims for damages to their home. This ultimately led to the founding of Shield Law Group of Florida, LLC.

Shield Law Group has since expanded its practice areas to include personal injury, real estate, business transactions, mediations, criminal law, estate planning, and foreclosures. Ms. Alvarez envisions Shield Law Group as a family-oriented firm that treats its clients like family, prioritizing their care and well-being.

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