Ammoie Buchanan, Esq


Attorney Ammoie Buchanan holds a B.A. in Criminology, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of Florida, and a J.D. in Law, from St. Thomas University School of Law, now known as Benjamin L. Crump College of Law.

Ms. Buchanan has over 7.5 years of experience working on cases in litigation involving large corporations. For over 6 years, she assisted Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, including the top banking institutions, in preparing responses to requests for production in complex litigation matters. She has handled cases in various areas of law including breach of written and implied contracts, tortious interference with an existing contract, breach of warranty, shareholder derivative suits, claim mishandling, first party property insurance, and regulatory investigations sought by the Department of Justice and Security Exchange Commission, mainly related to antitrust and anticompetitive regulation.

Outside of litigation, Ms. Buchanan has worked as a Mergers and Acquisition Consultant, in the Property & Casualty Insurance industry. At that time, she served as an intermediary between top insurance carriers and teams of agents or individual agents with the ability to move their books of business. Although throughout her career, Ms. Buchanan represented Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies; today, Ms. Buchanan uses the skills she developed while working for big corporations to represent the interests of her clients, the consumers.

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